Submission possibilities for final thesis
last update: 01/03/2024
Current submission options for final thesis are:
? Theses can be submitted in printed or electronic form in accordance with the applicable regulations.
? In principle, final papers can always be submitted in person or electronically around the clock, on the last day of submission at the latest by 11.59 p.m..
? Instead of handing in the bound copies, it is possible to hand in a digital version via university mail account to the corresponding administrative department of the ZPS (see here) and the assessors. Here you will find information about submission regulations and the risks, which you must have taken note of in the application for admission to the thesis.
? Submission by post. The postmark is decisive for the submission date.
? It is also possible to hand in your application at the Central Examination Office, but then only during office hours. Please do not drop your final thesis in the letterboxes in front of the offices of the Central Examination Office (ZPS), but use the Service Centre or the guard outside office hours (in an envelope addressed to the ZPS).
Of course, the relevant information and regulations in the respective application and letter of admission for the thesis and the corresponding examination regulations also apply.
Only the ZPS confirms the timely receipt of theses by entering the submission date in PAUL under "My exams" (= Handed in on" + submission date).
A valid enrolment status in the corresponding degree programme ("immatrikuliert" or "beurlaubt mit Prüfungsberechtigung") must be available when submitting the final thesis and, if applicable, providing further final credits!
Submission options for theses in a degree programme of the Faculty of Business and Economics
last change: 27.09.2023
Course of studies | Number of printed copies |
Business Administration and Economics Bachelor v4 | 2 |
Business Information Systems Bachelor v5 | 2 |
International Business Studies Bachelor v5 | 2 |
Sports Economics Bachelor v1 | 2 |
Sports Economics Bachelor v1b | 2 |
Business Administration Master v3 | 2 |
International Economics and Management Master v2 | 2 |
Wirtschaftsp?dagogik Master v2 | 2 |
Taxation, Accounting & Finance Master v1 | 2 |
Management Master v1 | 2 |
International Business Studies Master v4 | 2 |
Business Information Systems Master v4 | 2 |
Management Information Systems Master v2 | 2 |