Writ­ing Aca­dem­ic­ally - but how?

Why can writing academic texts be so difficult? How can I find an end when wrtiting my text? And what can I actually do to become more confident in writing academically? We will get to the bottom of these and other questions in this one-day workshop.

Further contents:

  • What makes an academic text successfully academic?
  • Is it allowed to write "I" in academic texts?
  • Creating meaning with connectors.
  • Expressing evaluations appropriately.
  • Expanding one's own repertoire of expression.

Contact: Susan Holtfreter

Date: Thursday, February 20, 2025 from 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. (in presence).

Important: The workshop will be held in German.

In order to convey the workshop contents in the best possible way, we ask for active participation and the willingness to interact with other participants.