Text Re­vi­sion? - Yes Please, but how Much?

Revising self-written texts can sometimes be unexpectedly time-consuming and nerve-wracking: during revision, unnecessary repetition loops creep in, small errors can still be found despite multiple readings and sometimes you even get the feeling that you will never reach a satisfactory state of the text. In this workshop, you'll learn what to do about your own text blindness, how to get helpful feedback and how to put the possible revision steps in a meaningful order.


  • obtaining helpful text feedback,
  • levels of text revision,
  • revising texts systematically,
  • controlling your own attention.

Please bring a self-written text that you would like to revise to the workshop.

In order to convey the workshop content in the best possible way, we ask you to participate actively and to be willing to interact with other participants.

Contact person: Susan Holtfreter

Date: Friday, March 7, 2025 from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. (in presence).

Important: The workshop will be held in German.