Start of this master: winter semester 2023/24.
Being an expert for the organized - mainly economic cooperation of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg - Benelux countries includes profound knowledge of their neighboring states, their pioneering role within Europe as well as their important global position. The study program aims at providing you with the right knowledge-tools to become said expert. As complex and diverse as the Benelux countries itself, the study program offers profound scientific expertise in research and education on the basis of tri-lingual teaching (classes are taught in French, Dutch and German). Professional knowledge is paired with a focus on practical (work environment) application, (digital) media competence and a sophisticated internship program within the realm of the Benelux countries – at the heart of Europe.
Start master: oktober 2023/2024.
Een expert over de Benelux Unie weet hoe de lidstaten zich onder elkaar verhouden en kent hun relaties met de buurlanden, alsook hun pioniersfunctie in Europa en hun belangrijke positie in de wereld. In de master BeNeLux-Studien kunt u hiervoor op basis van drietalig onderwijs (Frans, Nederlands, Duits) brede wetenschappelijke expertise en omvangrijke vakkennis opdoen naast praktijkervaring en (digitale) mediacompetentie. Bovendien doorloopt u een uitdagend stageprogramma in de Benelux dat de klemtoon op Europa legt.
Lancement du master: octobre 2023/2024
Etre un(e) expert(e) des pays du Benelux, c’est conna?tre leurs relations entre eux et avec leurs voisins, leur r?le précurseur en Europe et la place importante qu’ils occupent dans le monde. Dans cette optique, le master BeNeLux-Studien vous permet d’acquérir, sur base d’un enseignement trilingue (fran?ais, néerlandais et allemand), de vastes compétences scientifiques et connaissances professionnelles ainsi que de l’expérience pratique et des compétences dans le domaine des médias (notamment numériques).
Restricted admission means that there is a limited number of places available in the degree programme (NC = numerus clausus = closed number). As a rule, there are more applicants than places, therefore a selection procedure is used.
Free admission means that there are sufficient places available in the degree program. All applicants therefore receive an acceptance letter and are guaranteed enrollment if all enrollment requirements are met (e.g. aptitude tests, language tests or internships).
You can find all details about deadlines and your next steps on the general Paderborn University Application Information websites.
International applicants can find all relevant information on the pages of the International Office and on this page under "Contact - Application and Enrollment of international students".
Please check the admission requirements in advance and also consult our departmental website.
As a cooperative space, the Benelux countries constitute themselves as an innovative political, economic and cultural union at the center of Europe. They negotiate issues concerning multilingualism, security, energy, sustainability, migration and youth using visionary approaches. The M.A. program “BeNeLux-Studies” aims at teaching to understand the individual and common historical prerequisites, structures and integration of the Benelux countries within a European and global context. On this basis, the innovative study program wants to enable all students to act with intercultural competence and expertise so they are properly equipped to to actively shape their international future. The students are encouraged and supported to explore and transfer their international, interdisciplinary and practice-based findings into larger contexts and their future profession within “Lab Europe”. Specialized knowledge, digital techniques, professional language skills and competencies as well as exclusive internships abroad are the focus of this unique study program.
De Benelux Unie is een innovatief politiek, economisch en cultureel samenwerkingsverband in het centrum van Europa. Hierin wordt toekomstgericht over complexe en actuele maatschappelijke thema’s zoals meertaligheid, veiligheid, energie, duurzaamheid, jeugdbeleid en migratie onderhandeld. De innovatieve masteropleiding BeNeLux-Studien biedt de kans om de historische voorwaarden, de structuren en de inbedding te begrijpen in de Europese en globale context. Op basis van die kennis is het dan mogelijk intercultureel te bemiddelen en de processen mee vorm te geven. De master biedt de mogelijkheid dit Europees laboratorium interdisciplinair, internationaal en gericht op de praktijk in een kleine studiegroep te verkennen. De opgedane inzichten leert u te plaatsen in bredere samenhangen. Hiervoor ligt de klemtoon op vakkennis, digitale techniekcompetentie, het verdiepen van taalcompetentie en een exclusieve stage in het buitenland.
L’Union Benelux est un partenariat politique, économique et culturel innovant au centre de l’Europe. Des thématiques sociétales complexes et actuelles telles que le multilinguisme, la sécurité, l’énergie, la durabilité, la jeunesse et la migration y sont discutées dans une perspective d’avenir. L’innovant programme de master BeNeLux-Studien permet d’en comprendre le contexte historique, les structures et l’intégration dans le contexte européen et mondial. Sur base de ces connaissances, il est alors possible de jouer un r?le de médiateur et d’acteur interculturel. Le master offre la possibilté d’explorer ce laboratoire européen avec une approche interdisciplinaire, internationale et axée sur la pratique au sein d’un groupe d’étude restreint. Vous apprendrez à situer les connaissances acquises dans un contexte plus large. ? cette fin, l’accent est mis sur les savoirs professionnels, les compétences en matière de technologie numérique, l’approfondissement des compétences linguistiques et la réalisation d’un stage exclusif à l’étranger.
The program is composed of nine modules:
De opleiding is ingedeeld in 9 modules:
One of the key components of the study program is the mandatory internship abroad: These internships are (sometimes exclusively) offered to students of the M.A. program and are hosted by top-level institutions within the Benelux region.
Het lopen van een stage is een centraal onderdeel van de master. Eén semester biedt u de gelegenheid bij belangrijke instellingen van de Benelux Unie stage te lopen, waarvan sommige exclusieve stageplekken ter beschikking stellen.
La réalisation d’un stage est un élément central du programme. Pendant un semestre, vous avez l’occasion de l’effectuer dans des institutions clés du Benelux, dont certaines proposent des stages exclusifs.
Die Prüfungsordnung (PO) ist Grundlage deines Studiums. 365足彩投注_365体育投注@ hilft dir bei der Planung deines Studiums und der Stundenplanerstellung, gibt aber auch alle Antworten zu den Rahmenbedingungen und rechtlichen Fragen im Zusammenhang mit deinem Studium.
Die PO gliedert sich in diesem Studiengang in die Allgemeinen Bestimmungen (AB) und Besonderen Bestimmungen (BB) auf. Achte darauf, dass du die für dich relevante Fassung der PO von Beginn an im Blick hast!
In den Allgemeinen Bestimmungen (AB) sind die Rahmenbedingungen des Studiengangs enthalten.
In den Besonderen Bestimmungen, die für jedes Fach getrennt vorliegen, findest du die fachspezifischen Zugangsvoraussetzungen, Modulbeschreibungen, Studienverlaufspl?ne usw.
The Research Center on Belgium (Belgienzentrum, abbrev. BELZ) unites a variety of contacts with important institutions within the Benelux region and gladly offers those to the students of the M.A. program. One example of those high-quality contacts is the Benelux Union. The Union, among other political and economic institutions, hosts invaluable internships. High-profile lecturers share their expertise by teaching classes within different modules and elucidate the political and economic relevance of the Benelux region in relation and in interaction with Europe and the world. The classes taught by these experts from within the professional fields provide an important supplement to the framing modules (business and economics, cultural heritage, etc.). Together and comprehensively, they prepare students for their internship abroad. The concluding Master’s thesis is an opportunity to reflect on, interpret and analyze the hands-on experiences as well as any research questions that may have emerged from the practical experiences during the internship abroad.
Dankzij het Belgienzentrum (BELZ) bestaat al direct contact met instellingen van de Benelux Unie. Bovendien is de Benelux Unie naast andere economische en politieke instellingen een van de (stage)partners van de opleiding.
Vertegenwoordigers van deze instellingen onderwijzen in verschillende modules. Ze lichten in een van de bestuurstalen aan de hand van praktijkvoorbeelden toe hoe de Benelux Unie werkt en wat de politieke en economische relevantie ervan is voor Europa en de wereld. Dit is een belangrijke aanvulling op andere opleidingsonderdelen zoals de modules economie of cultuurgeschiedenis, en bereidt u uitgebreid op de stage voor.
Met enkele partners bestaat er al een overeenkomst over dat gevallen uit hun praktijk voor de masterscriptie wetenschappelijk behandeld kunnen worden.
Des contacts directs avec de nombreuses institutions importantes du Benelux sont déjà établis via le Belgienzentrum (BELZ). L’Union Benelux fait également partie des partenaires (de stage) du cursus, tout comme d’autres institutions du domaine politique et économique.
Des représentants haut placés de ces institutions enseignent dans les différents modules. Dans l’une des langues officielles, ils expliquent à l’aide d’exemples concrets le fonctionnement de l’Union Benelux, ainsi que son importance politique et économique pour l’Europe et le monde. Il s’agit d’un complément important à d’autres aspects du cursus tels que les modules d’économie ou d’histoire culturelle ; vous êtes ainsi pleinement préparés au stage.
Avec certains partenaires, il existe déjà un accord pour que des exemples de cas issus de leur pratique puissent être traités scientifiquement dans le cadre du mémoire de master.
With the Center for Information and Media Technology (IMT), Paderborn University boasts top-level facilities and opportunities for media production, adjacent soft- and hardware as well as media practice within the. The university also hostsa successful platform for digital cultural transfer (the BelgienNet). The digital and intercultural expertise thus acquired is an active part of the program, enabling and supporting students of the BeNeLux-M.A. program.
Met het Zentrum für Informations- und Medientechnologien (IMT) beschikt de Universit?t Paderborn over hedendaagse faciliteiten en ondersteuningsmogelijkheden voor mediaproductie, soft- en hardware of mediapraktijk.
Bovendien baat de universiteit succesvol zelf een digitaal platform voor cultuurtransfer uit: BelgienNet. De ontwikkeling van dit platform bracht veel digitale en interculturele expertise mee die wordt onderwezen binnen de praktijkonderdelen van de BeNeLux-Studien.
Avec le Zentrum für Informations- und Medientechnologien (IMT), l’Université de Paderborn dispose d’infrastructures modernes et de possibilités de soutien pour la production médiatique, le soft- et hardware et les pratiques médiatiques.
En outre, l’Université exploite avec succès sa propre plateforme nunérique de transfert culturel: BelgienNet. Le développement de cette plateforme a apporté une grande expertise numérique et interculturelle, qui est enseignée dans le volet pratique du master BeNeLux-Studien.
The study program BeNeLux-Studies is of a transdisciplinary and interdepartmental nature – incorporating content of different subjects, such as history, romance studies, German studies, business and economics and language learning (Dutch, French, English). A new project that is currently being developed, is the BeneluxNet. Supervised by scientific staff, students will have an opportunity to shape this BeneluxNet on the basis of their acquired knowledge. Project work is a fundamental part of academic curriculum that offers students a hands-on approach with close proximity to future professional work environments.
De opleiding BeNeLux-Studien is transdisciplinair en interfacultatief opgebouwd: de vakken geschiedenis, romanistiek, germanistiek, economie en het taalleercentrum Zentrum für Sprachenlehre (Nederlands) maken er onderdeel van uit. Er ontstaat ook een nieuw platformproject: het BeneluxNet. Dit platform zullen de masterstudenten onder wetenschappelijke begeleiding op basis van hun verworven kennis in verschillende digitale formats verder kunnen ontwikkelen. Aan zulke projecten mee te werken maakt een belangrijk deel uit van de studie.
La formation BeNeLux-Studien est interdisciplinaire et interfacultaire: en font partie l’histoire, les langues et littératures romanes et germaniques, l’économie et le Centre d’enseignement des langues (néerlandais).
Une autre plateforme est en projet: BeneluxNet. Sous supervision scientifique, les étudiants du master participeront à sa conception gr?ce aux connaissances acquises dans différents formats numériques. La participation à de tels projets est un aspect important du cursus.
Graduates can find work in the fields of
Na de master kunnen studenten werken binnen en voor
Les dipl?més peuvent travailler dans les domaines suivants:
During the course of your studies, questions about career orientation arise from time to time. In events, practical projects and company visits as well as in the job and career portal, you can get to know possible professions and fields of activity and work out your personal interests and strengths.
Interested in the start-up scene? Then visit us at TecUP! We promote start-ups in Paderborn and will support you on your path to self-employment. We’ll be by your side throughout every stage of the start-up process – completely free of charge and with no obligation! garage33 is our dedicated space for creativity and exchange, networking and working. In addition to tailored coaching, we also offer workshops and events for you to learn the theory and practice of setting up a business in an innovative and creative environment, and to help you formulate, develop and validate your idea.
Want to start a business, but lack the seed capital to do so? We can help you apply for grants and put you in touch with our network of business angels and investors. Or merely looking to get an insight into start-ups, for some inspiration or to network with business founders? Then visit our courses or events, such as CALL FOR IDEAS, apply for a start-up job or simply visit us at garage33 – we look forward to meeting you!
The Faculty of Arts and Humanities provides students pursuing postgraduate qualifications with support. The team at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Postgraduate Centre will be more than happy to provide you with information and advice.
Our “Einblick!” (insights) peer mentoring programme gives female students in the final stages of their degree the chance to discuss doing a PhD and to prepare for a PhD. Participants are teamed up with a female PhD student, who, based on her own experience, gives them tips and strategies to assist them with their decision to pursue a PhD. The aim of the programme is to give participants insights into the kind of academic and research work involved in a PhD and for them to talk to their mentor about her experience in order to build on their personal and professional skills and broaden their development opportunities.
To make the best of your start at the University of Paderborn we offer the Orientation Days (also called "O-Phase"), which takes place before the lecture period starts. Here, you will get the necessary support to be able to orient yourself at the University and in your studies. Take the time to participate actively in the offered events to have all the necessary tools for a good start into your studies!
In addition to study-related content, Paderborn University offers you a lot more: for those eager to learn, for those seeking exchange and for all those who want to think outside the box. Learn and improve your language skills at the Center for Language Studies and brush up on your software skills with the courses offered by doIT. The servicecenter-medien offers special media workstations where you can let off steam creatively, and the university sports program ranges from American football to Zumba. Get involved with the university radio station L'UniCo or the university newspaper universal and become part of one of the many project groups or initiatives.
A regular theater program at our Studionbühne, slams and readings, Big Band and university choir are just a few examples of our diverse cultural offerings. A special highlight is our AStA summer festival: up to 15,000 people make the pilgrimage every year to what is probably Germany's largest outdoor campus festival and enjoy the summer party atmosphere with numerous local student bands as well as well-known headliners on various stages.
Almost all of Uni Paderborn's buildings are located on campus. There are green meadows to relax in and plenty of places to eat and drink: Mensa Academica and Mensa Forum, the Grill|Café and Café Bona Vista. Everything is within easy walking distance. Our library is also centrally located and is a great place to study thanks to its good opening hours.
Living in accomodations close to campus is possible: The Studierendenwerk Paderborn offers you places in halls of residence directly on campus or in the immediate vicinity. But you will also find what you are looking for on the usual accommodation portals: Both in the immediate vicinity of the university and city center, as well as in the individual Paderborn districts.
Costs and financing
Everyday student life offers you plenty of opportunities to work alongside your studies. However, BAf?G or a scholarship are also options that you can use to cover your costs.
Advisory services
We have the right contact point for every concern. For example, our advisory and service facilities are available to answer your questions about academic work, career orientation and goal setting, funding opportunities and many other concerns.
Our university is an open-minded university that also takes a clear stance on gender and diversity. We have been actively promoting equal opportunities and a gender- and family-friendly work and study culture for many years. This includes support for a better balance between studying and family life as well as support for students with health impairments.
The Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB)
We support prospective students in their choice of studies and in their decision to study. In addition, we advise students in all phases of their studies, especially in phases of reorientation.
[Translate to English:] Referentin für Internationalisierung
[Translate to English:]
International Office
Student Council for Romance, English and German Studies
Registrar’s Office
Please apply for this program, regardless of your nationality, via the Uni-Assist Online Portal, if you don't have a German University Entrance Qualification.
If you don't have the German citizenship, but have received your university entrance qualification from a German school inside or outside of Germany (= Bildungsinl?nder*innen), apply for the program directly at the online portal PAUL of the admissions office. (Please initially supply a grade of 4,0; follow further instructions by email after registration in the online system.)
Examination Office
Service Centre for Studying with Disabilities
We support you in balancing your studies and family life.