969 projects were found

TRR 30 - Synthese und multikriterielle modellgestützte Optimierung von Prozessketten zur Herstellung von Bauteilen mit funktional gradierten Eigenschaften (Teilprojekt D05)

Ziel des Teilprojektes ist es, ein umfassendes Instrumentarium zur Synthese, Analyse/ Explorationund Optimierung von thermo-mechanisch gekoppelten Fertigungsprozessen zur Herstellung von Bauteilenmit gradierten Eigenschaften zu erarbeiten, das die im SFB/TR entstehenden Modellierungstechnikenund das darauf beruhende Wissen für den Fertigungsplaner ...

Duration: 01/2006 - 12/2015

Funded by: DFG

DFG project SU 501/1, The Taxation of Capital Gains and Investment Decisions under Risk Aversion

Duration: 01/2006 - 12/2010

Funded by: DFG

AEOLUS: Algorithmic Principles for Building Efficient Overlay Computers

Duration: 09/2005 - 08/2009

Funded by: EU

Referenz durch Bewegung. Zusammenarbeit von Sprache und Bewegung in Bedeutungskonstitution

Eine Pr?misse des vorliegenden Projektes ist, dass Erwachsene das Sprachlernen von Kindern unterstützen, indem sie zus?tzliche nichtverbale Informationen liefern. Eine Modalit?t solcher Informationen ist Bewegung, wie sie in Form unterschiedlicher Gestentypen ausgeführt wird: der Zeigegeste, der symbolischen Geste und der manipulativen Geste. Diese ...

Duration: 01/2005 - 12/2007

Funded by: DFG

SPP 1183 - Smart Teams: Local, Distributed Strategies for Self-Organizing Robotic Exploration Teams (Subproject)

?During the second phase, we have extended our work from the first phase in several directions: We have developed the first asymptotically optimal strategy - the Hopper Strategy - for keeping an exploring robot connected to its base camp with the help of mobile relays. In addition, we have designed first strategies dealing with multiple explorers. ...

Duration: 01/2005 - 12/2011

Funded by: DFG

Contact: Dr. rer. nat. Daniel Jung

Triangulated categories and associative algebras in the geometry of singular varieties

The project belongs to algebraic geometry, homological algebra and representation theory in its interaction with theoretical physics. In the given research projects we can underline three guiding lines: - study of derived categories of coherent sheaves on singular varieties and their behavior in families, in particular in the case of degeneracies ...

Duration: 01/2005 - 12/2007

Funded by: DFG

SPP 1079 - Security analysis of cryptographic systems with respect to lattice attacks (Subproject)

Over the last twenty years, cryptography has evolved into a modern key technology with applications ranging from ec cards to electronic signatures on contracts on the Internet. However, the security of many cryptosystems is poorly understood. The project therefore deals with attacks on known public key cryptosystems. The goals of the project can be ...

Duration: 01/2004 - 12/2007

Funded by: DFG

Efficient control of formation flying spacecraft (C10, Subproject of SFB 376: Massively Parallel computing: algorithms, design methods and applications)

No abstract availableDFG Programme Collaborative Research CentresSubproject of SFB 376: Massively Parallel computing:algorithms,design methods and applicationsApplicant Institution Universit?t PaderbornProject Heads Professor Dr. Michael Dellnitz; Professor Dr. Oliver Junge; Dr. Robert PreisProf. Dr. Sina Ober-Bl?baum is main participating ...

Duration: 01/2004 - 12/2006

Funded by: DFG

Frühsemantisches Wissen über r?umliche Relationen

Wie viel wissen Kinder über r?umliche Relationen wie IN, AUF und UNTER wenn sie anfangen, mit diesen Pr?positionen auf r?umliche Ereignisse zu referieren? Dieser Frage folgend ist das Ziel des Projektes zu kl?ren, welche Schritte in der pr?verbalen und nonverbalen Entwicklung für den Erwerb der Sprache von Bedeutung sind. Im ersten Teil des ...

Duration: 01/2003 - 12/2005

Funded by: DFG

SFB 614: Self-Optimizing Concepts and Structures in Mechanical Engineering

Information technology is increasingly penetrating the field of conventional mechanical engineering, and this offers considerable potential for innovation. This is expressed in the term "mechatronics", which was itself formed by conjoining "mechanics" and "electronics". It describes the close interaction between mechanical science, electronics, ...

Duration: 01/2002 - 12/2013

Funded by: DFG