New sus­tain­ab­il­ity mod­ule "UPB for Fu­ture": start of the pi­lot phase

 |  SustainabilityStudiesTransferEventsNews

In the winter semester 2024/25, students at Paderborn University will be able to register for the new sustainability module ‘UPB for Future’ for the first time, regardless of subject and semester. This marks the start of the pilot phase for a cross-university project that anchors sustainability as a cross-cutting topic in teaching.

In order to enable students to shape a sustainable and climate-friendly future, all faculties and the PLAZ - Professional School of Education are opening up and designing selected courses that offer the opportunity to engage intensively with various aspects of sustainability. In cooperation with the ‘Green.OWL’ project, Paderborn University's Sustainability Office contributes workshops that enable students to work on specific practical cases and invite them to network with businesses and initiatives in the region.

Another integral part of the sustainability module is the lecture series of the same name. The diversity of topics and specialist perspectives shows just how multifaceted the underlying concept of sustainability is.

Interested students at Paderborn University can register for the sustainability module via a LimeSurvey survey.

Further information can be found on the sustainability module website.

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Amanda Sophie Fiege

Higher Education Development Office

Micro-credentials, Sustainability Certificate "UPB for Future", workshops and advice

Write email +49 5251 60-4332