Pub­lic lec­tures offered by Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

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In the summer semester 2024, Paderborn University is once again inviting all interested parties to various lecture series on socially relevant topics. Lecturers and researchers from the five faculties as well as external experts will deal with a variety of aspects relating to sustainability, digitalisation, linguistics and literary studies as well as music and religion every week. It is not necessary to register for the programmes in advance.

"UPB for Future"

For the second time, the Office of Educational Innovation and University Didactics is organising a lecture series on the topic of sustainability together with the department of Prof. Dr René Fahr, Vice President for Knowledge and Technology Transfer at Paderborn University. At "UPB for Future", not only researchers from all five faculties, but also external speakers will share their thoughts and perspectives. All interested parties are cordially invited to attend the lectures, which take place every Thursday from 4.15 to 5.45 pm in lecture theatre L1. On Thursday, 11 April, the series starts with a lecture by environmentalist, marine biologist and photographer Robert Marc Lehmann.

"Music - Religion - Gender"

Under the direction of Prof Dr Rebecca Grotjahn, Professor at the Musicology Department Detmold/Paderborn, the lecture series "Music - Religion - Gender" takes place in the Kuppelsaal of the Detmold University of Music. Every Wednesday from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., the speakers will address various topics - from Baroque nuns composing music to the "guitar gods" of rock music, from medieval singing bans to the use of digital media in Orthodox Judaism. On Wednesday, 10 April, the series will begin with a lecture by Grotjahn entitled "He pushes the mighty from their chairs. Self-empowerment and disempowerment, appropriation and dispossession in settings of the Magnificat".

"Anthropology of digitalisation - opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence for Christian and Islamic theology"

The lecture series "Anthropology of Digitalisation - Opportunities and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence for Christian and Islamic Theology", , organised by the Paderborn Institute of Islamic Theology (PIIT) together with the Institute of Catholic Theology (Chair of Systematic Theology) and the Centre for Comparative Theology and Cultural Studies (ZeKK) , starts in May. ??In addition to lectures, which always take place on Wednesdays from 6 to 8 pm in lecture theatre O1, there will be an interfaith panel discussion on 5 June in the Liborianum education and conference centre in Paderborn. The lecture series will open on Wednesday, 15 May with Prof. Dr Benedikt Schmidt from Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin, who will speak on "Digitalisation and theological ethics as sym- or antibiotics for a good life".

"Constructions of anti-Semitism in fictional and factual (con)texts"

Anti-Semitic ways of speaking have had an impact in various discourses from the Middle Ages to the present day. The lecture series "Constructions of anti-Semitism in fictional and factual (con)texts", which takes place every Monday from 4 to 6 p.m. in lecture theatre C2 at Paderborn University, aims to shed light on various constructions and practices of anti-Semitism and thus also make a critical contribution to current social developments. On Monday, 22 April, the lecture series will begin with a lecture by Prof. Dr Michael Hofmann from the Institute of German and Comparative Literature on the topic "Between legitimate criticism of Israel and 'left-wing anti-Semitism'. Jean Améry in the context of the 1960s and 1970s".

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Amanda Sophie Fiege

Higher Education Development Office

Micro-credentials, Sustainability Certificate "UPB for Future", workshops and advice

Write email +49 5251 60-4332
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Sarah Lebock

Zentrum für Komparative Theologie und Kulturwissenschaften (ZeKK)

Gesch?ftsführung ZeKK

Write email +49 5251 60-4527